Friday, September 4, 2015

Twitter; So Much to Learn, So Many to be Taught

Hello world of Blogger, my fellow ATEC2321.001 peers and the very small number of my coworkers reading this post! I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here so bear with me...

*I'm still not super familiar with Twitter and how everything is formatted so this assignment wasn't as easy breezy for me as it was for some, I'm sure.

(Also I didn't retweet the links that caught my eye and that I felt were retweet-worthy... Is that a bad thing?)

ANYWAYS, read on for Netflix, a seal joke and a little bit of happy!

The first tweet that caught my eye was by Netflix, announcing the new logo for their new show, Fuller House. I loved watching Full House with my sisters growing up, so this is a super exciting series for me and although the logo isn't any different from the original (unless you count the "-er" in fuller), it's still an exciting development.
My next good tweet was probably my favorite, and it was posted by Imgur. I'm an avid Redditor so I'm fairly familiar with Imgur and it's workings, but this honestly was much funnier than what I'm used to, I love funny and I'm a sucker for a good joke. It's a gif (PRONOUNCED JIF LIKE THE PEANUT BUTTER) of a seal, who doesn't love seals?
(Worth the click, I promise)

My last good tweet actually lead me to do some reading and to learn something new, so I figured it was a good example of a retweetable tweet, it was by TIME magazine and at first, I was uninterested, but then I stopped to go work (haha I'm doing homework at work) and when I came back, I actually read what it said "I just get a little tired of everybody running around and talking about how terrible everything is." And I honestly can't agree with that statement enough. Too many people are so negative about everything in life and you need to see the bad to appreciate the good, I know but jeez people! Let's be happy every once in a while, dangit! Life is beautiful!!
I honestly had no idea who Kasich was, so I did a little reading and he is the Republican governor of Ohio. The more you know!

My bad list includes alcohol, Star Wars and cilantro, oh my!

The first and perhaps most useless tweet of the day was this one from TIME magazine;
I first felt that a poll/quiz type of thing was a little silly for a magazine like TIME and I also felt (feel) that you can't lump an entire country's drinking habits into one solid chunk. (Also there was no American anywhere on the list! What if I drink wine like a 35 year old soccer mom?! HOW WILL I KNOW) There's not really any way I would suggest "fixing" a post like this other than to not post it at all.

Fun Fact, I HATE cilantro with a fiery passion. I read somewhere once that either you hate cilantro because you can taste it or you can't taste it (because its bad. there's nothing good about it, you just can't taste it so you can't tell how bad it is) and GOODNESS can I taste it. I hate it. I love Mexican food so I have to be careful about being adventurous. Anyways, as I was happily discovering all Twitter had to offer me, I scrolled past this picture;
and I immediately sat up straighter. I'd recognize those leaves anywhere. Cilantro. Snuck its way onto my screen... that slimy herb. This tweet honestly has less to do with content and more to do with my personal preference, but to each their own.

My last bad tweet is probably going to cause a fuss... The Wall Street Journal tweeted a gif of some sort of droid saying that "this little guy" could take the place of R2D2 and I'm over here like "ZZZZzzzZZZZZ" couldn't. care. less.

Here's a tip, WSJ, save calling something a "little guy" for something that's actually cute. like a kitten. like this kitten;