Monday, October 12, 2015

Traffic, be it readers or drivers, I don't like it

Upon creating this blog, as I learned the ins and outs, one of the things that bothered me greatly was the fact that it shows you how many people have viewed your profile or looked at one of your blog posts. I'm not sure what makes me so uneasy about it, the fact that people I don't know are looking at it? Or the fact that they are people I know, I just don't know who? No one gives feedback (except for my awesome roommate Victoria who commented on my first blog post, and the awesome Dr. Lee on my Twitter! WooHoo!) But it still leaves me feeling a bit... creeped out? I know I'm writing things for people to read, but I don't want to know the exact number. I agree a lot with the employees in the beginning of the hubspot article, seeing and knowing how many people view your stuff makes you hungry for more views. But more views doesn't always equal success. I will say, I do like knowing who's viewed my things when I know who they are. Snapchat is an excellent example of this by allowing you to see who's seen your story.
 That doesn't make me uncomfortable in any way. BUT I will say, I'm not like Henry Blodget who seems to feel that the viewers are everything mainly because I'm not posting for my viewers. I know my pictures aren't the same as writing for a magazine article, but I feel like its somewhat the same principle.

(for anyone who wanted to see that story; its my cat, Sophie) also as my title suggests, since I didn't tie it in anywhere, I don't like traffic on the roads either.

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